Examining Factors that affect Student Performance.


The goal of this project is to gain insight on classroom performance. We will begin with a series of visualizations and conclude with a predictive model.


Several noteworthy observations can be made based on the data. Firstly, males tend to exhibit stronger performance in Math, whereas females tend to demonstrate higher proficiency in Reading and Writing. Additionally, the distribution of scores for the male group is relatively normal, while that of the female group is skewed towards the right.

Parental Level of Education

We see that a majority of students (62.5%) have parents who attained some level of college education. Furthermore, the median score for students with college-educated parents is 70.3%, compared to 65.7% for those with non-college-educated parents.

We have observed that students whose parents have attained education beyond a bachelor's degree are more likely to score above 80%. Conversely, students whose parents did not attend college are more likely to score below 60%. However, discerning between varying levels of parental education seems to be challenging.

Test Preparation Course

Our analysis indicates that undergoing a single test preparation course has a noteworthy impact on exam performance. In fact, participating in such a course results in an impressive 11.7% rise in the average exam score. We intend to explore this phenomenon further as we build our model.

Test Preparation Course

Just like test preparation, lunch also exerts a significant influence on exam scores. Our findings indicate that transitioning from free/reduced lunch to a standard lunch yields a remarkable 13.9% surge in the average exam score. This exciting discovery underscores the critical role that nutrition plays in a student's academic performance.